You do not have to be member to shoot at Doveridge Clay Sports Club, but if you are planning on coming regularly it will save you money…
Membership runs for 12 months and costs £65.00 per year. The benefit of being a member is the reduced cost of clays.
Members clays are 29p per clay (£29.00 per hundred) where as non-members clays are 33p per clays (£33.00 per hundred)
Plus if you purchase large quantities of clays per transaction we give you more discount.
Non Members
Non members are always welcome at Doveridge Clay Sports any time during our open hours. All Non-Members will need to purchase a Card Counter which is a one off charge of £5. This will allow them to put clay credit on to it.
The cost per clay is 33p (£33.00 per hundred)
Please note if you do require to purchase cartridges or loan a gun you must have your shotgun certificate with you.
Please contact us if you require more information and we will be happy to help.